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Calorimeter Coverage for gFEX

This schematic shows the calorimeter segmentation of transmission to the gFEX unit (after the Phase-II upgrade). Each colored block is one LATOME or TDPS module. Notice the overlap between special EMEC and FCAL1, as well as between Tile and HEC, for certain values of \(\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\). Also, the special EMEC (\(2.4\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq3.2\)) and HEC (\(1.5\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq3.2\)) originate from the same LATOME.
Here we have the coverage of each individual fiber for the EM calorimeter. The right side is for the FCAL1 segmentation, and the left side is for the special EMEC segmentation in the overlap region (\(3.1\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq3.2\)). A single fiber is used for transmission for the strip of 16 towers with (\(3.1\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq3.2\)) in FCAL1. Also, special EMEC towers (with \(2.4\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq2.5\)) and HEC towers (with \(1.5\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq2.5\)) share transmission fibers. This is shown in the next diagram.
Here we have the coverage of each individual fiber for the hadronic calorimeter (following the Phase-I upgrade). The right side of this diagram shows the Tile segmentation, and the left side shows the HEC segmentation in the overlap region \(1.5\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq1.6\). Also, in the region of \(1.5\leq\mathrm\mid\eta\mid\leq3.2\), the HEC towers and special EMEC towers are transmitted on shared fibers (which is shown in the above figure). More info on these diagrams can be found on pages 28-37 of the gFEX Technical Document, and the gFEX Technical Specifications Document also has more info on calorimeter coverage starting around page 11.

Power Consumption and Management

The following diagrams detail some of the basic information relating to how the gFEX unit uses power. The first illustration is of the power distribution for the pre-production v3 and production v4 modules. The next diagram is of the power sequence for the same versions of the gFEX module. Finally, the chart gives the expected power usage of the v4 production module only, during Run 3, including all the firmware. More information can be found starting around page 77 of the gFEX Technical Document.